Use Click on a tool in the 'Tools' list (left side) to see it's parameters. 'Drag&Drop' or 'Double Click' a tool in the 'Tools' list in order to put it in the pipe (right side). Tools in the pipe can be reordered via 'Drag&Drop'. MIDI messages 'flow' from top to bottom through the pipe.
A pipe can have several inputs and outputs. A message arriving at an output will be copied to the output and then continues 'flowing' through the pipe (if there are additional tools after the output). In order to edit parameters of several tools at once, it is possible to open a panel for each tool by double clicking it in the pipe list.
Title: SILKYPIX Developer Studio Version: Developer: ICHIKAWA SOFT Category: Graphics Language: Multiple languages File size: 325 MB Date added: 19:39:26 Tags: #RAW convertor #Photo generator #High-definition picture #RAW #Generator #Converter #Adjuster Description: A handy and intuitive RAW photo processor that enables you to enhance, adjust, correct and convert RAW pictures into popular image formats ► ► ► ► ► ► RAW data can accurately record light intensity from digital camera sensors. 'SE Version' allows you to create high-quality images. Standard version Intuitively adjust images with easy operation. '8' realized a low price as a function-limited version that narrowed down. You can download 'SE Version.'