
Norman Guitar Serial Number Search

SearchNorman Guitar Serial Number Search

Most guitar manufacturers put a serial number on each instrument they produce. This number can be used to date a guitar and in some cases tell where it was made. Serial numbers tend to be stamped or written somewhere on the headstock or neck joint of the guitar. On some acoustic guitars, the serial number is on the inside of the sound hole. Serial numbers are often at least four digits long, and they sometimes include letters. Search the area around the serial number for a date stamp. Not all guitar brands use date stamps, but if you find one, you have your answer.

Norman Guitar Serial Number

Gibson guitar serial number search

Look for the brand name decal on the guitar's headstock. Each guitar brand uses a different set of serial numbers, so you need to identify your guitar before you attempt to use the serial number to learn when it was made. Determine the type of guitar (such as Gibson Les Paul or SG, Fender Stratocaster or Telecaster) if possible. This can help when you are researching serial numbers.