INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS Mounting Clips x 3 BB Short Screws x 3 AA Remove both torsion springs by removing the screw (CC) from each torsion spring. Place the lamp replacement instructions (D) inside the housing. NOTE: This label provides information about replacement lamps. Screw adaptor (A) into socket in. Many of Utilitech’s recessed lighting products feature housings that incorporate thermal cutoff switches, these are vital because. Bright bulbs can generate a lot of heat. Because the housing of the light is in the ceiling material, the thermal cutoff switch prevents any risk of fire due to material of the ceiling becoming too hot. Utilitech Pro LED Recessed retrofit down. Review of Utilitech Recessed Lighting. How to install LED recessed lighting retrofit trim for 5' or 6.
I intended to install Lowe's Utilitech 3' Non-IC White Gimbal Recessed Kits in a 4 light array under a soffit in my basement. The soffit encases part of the plumbing stack (metal pipes - main plumbing stack), a black PVC pipe running away from the stack and of course some 2x4 housing. There is NO insulation in or near where I've cut the holes. I can't get a consistent answer on this, I even called HD's commercial electric provider (Utilitech is now Catalina Lighting and has no phone number), and still can't get a consistent answer: Is is prudent or safe to install non-IC lights in an area near pipes if there is enough clearance? What about new (couple of inches clearance) to the black PVC pipes? My alternative is to use IC and damp rated remodel cans from Twice Bright which are 25W or non-IC rate 50W cans from the same company which are extremely low profile (4' vs.