Exe To Autoit Script Converter Online
Convert a.ps1 powershell script to a compiled.exe program. A Script to create a a Scheduled Task that runs under the SYSTEM account September 23, 2016.
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When you get down to it, batch files and executable files work pretty much the same way. Both are simply a set of instructions and logic for Windows execute. So why would you want to convert a batch file to an executable if they essentially work the same? Here are a few reasons: • Portability – you can include additional tools in your EXE file that the batch file depends on. • Protection – an EXE provides protection for your source script to ensure it is not inadvertently modified. • Convenience – Executable files can be pinned to the Windows Start Menu and/or Windows 7 Task Bar.
With the script below, you can easily build your own executable file from a batch file, complete with and required embedded tools. Configuration This script takes advantage of a 7-Zip advanced SFX (SelF eXtractor) to bundle and execute the batch file with any included tools. So you will need to download (links provided at the end)these and extract them to a single directory.